Forward-Thinking Results

Big ideas come from forward thinking people who challenge the norm, think outside the box, and invent the world they see inside rather than submitting to the limitations of current dilemmas

T.D. Jakes

About me

I love to help people. Help them to grow, help them to flourish, help them to be happy.
I am driven by change. Change means progress. Progress for individuals, for companies, for organizations and ultimately for society.

I continuously challenge the status quo.
I don’t take things for granted.
I am drawn to concepts that defy the established ways of working.

I value authenticity: “What you see is what you get”.
I complement an analytical mind with gut feeling.
I am great at generating options, taking the helicopter view, reframing problems and feeling what will work or not.

I can’t walk away from an intellectual challenge.
One such challenge is to keep things simple, whilst under the hood they can be very complex. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”.

I love to network, to meet people, to connect with people and to make people connect.
I believe work and working together should be fun.

These are the services I am offering

Management Consulting

This is where my roots lie.

I have engaged in a wide range of projects in different domains (IT Management, Continuous Improvement, Corporate Performance Management, Process Management, Supply Chain Management, Change Management, Project Management, ERP Implementations, ...).

My interests are broad and I like a challenge.

If you are not quite sure if it is in my league just ask me. If I can't help you, I will tell you.

  • Independent guidance and advice for the selection and implementation of ERP and MES systems for international companies (defining key requirements, preparing Request for Proposal, vendor evaluation, contract negotations, coaching and advice of project team, ...).
  • Process optimization of Production and Quality Documentation activities in the food sector.
  • Process optimization of planning processes for scanning operations.
  • Search for co-manufacturers/co-packers for a European vegan food company.
  • Portfolio management in the context of a cost reduction program (facilitating workshops for generating ideas, filtering ideas and setting project priorities; monitoring progress with all project managers).
  • Introduction of a company-wide Corporate Performance and Management System with attention for both the system elements (e.g. Balanced Scorecard) and the behavior (i.e. coaching) that are needed to ensure its success.
  • Development of a new international warehouse and transport strategy allowing to minimize cost without losing customer service in a complex (cold chain ruled) and highly regulated environment.
  • Dimensioning and physical design of the new warehouse for ambient, cooled and frozen products.
  • Hands-on project management for the delivery of a software and hardware platform within a volatile start-up environment; coördinating the efforts of a broad range of suppliers and individuals.
  • Coaching of an ERP-project manager (definition of requirements, package selection, vendor selection, contract negotiation, managing change requests, project planning, reporting to steering committee, ...).
  • Introduction of SCRUM to the IT Department and on company level.
  • Facilitation of a Blue Ocean Innovation project (ideation, selection, ...).
  • Coaching of Startups

    Since becoming a Business Angel I have been swimming in the wild and adventurous waters of startups.

    I picked up the taste for this around 2006, when I was working at Naked, a technology startup based in London. I became self-employed to go on that journey and have been enjoying the sense of freedom that comes with that ever since.

  • Struggling with your business plan? I can help you out, both in terms of the content and those nasty spreadsheet formulas.
  • Trying to translate your dream into a valid business model? I am a big fan of the Business Model Canvas and happy to help you out with that.
  • Time to move from an idea to a plan? I can facilitate a workshop with your team to make sure that plan is realistic, includes everyone's ideas and knowledge and is supported by the entire team.
  • Experiencing some friction within the team? I can facilitate a process to understand where this is coming from and how it can be addressed.
  • Looking to hire someone, but not quite sure if it is the right person for your team? Happy to have a talk with that person so you have a second opinion.
  • Growing the company and feeling the need to get some more structure without losing the entrepreneurial spirit? I will help you find the right balance.
  • Looking for some specific knowledge? If I can't help you myself, I will tap into my network.
  • Machine Learning

    As I am always looking for an intellectual challenge, I have recently fixed my sights on Machine Learning.

    I have been studying very hard to learn as much as possible about the subject and have build a network of experts that can help me out in case I need some support.

    I have a separate brand for this and more information can be found on the website.

    Some of the books that inspire me

    Hover or tap for more details

    Goal Directed Project Management
    For Project Management, I like to do milestone planning and status reporting on just 2 sheets of paper instead of using detailed activity plans. I picked this up early in my career at C&L where I was introduced to Goal Directed Project Management.
    Scrum voor Managers
    For Portfolio Management I prefer a discussion with your management team around a whiteboard visualizing the different projects and their priorities rather than a dry digital report in some spreadsheet. A picture is worth a thousand words, isn't it? And a similar approach can be used for managing IT Projects. At one company we had an entire SCRUM room visualizing all projects. The SCRUM-methodology offers some great guidelines on how to manage and organize this.
    I have a visual memory. You will find me creating mindmaps in meetings. I will make a presentation using images and schematics rather than words. A status report needs to be shared with everyone involved. Yes, I will send a mail, but I will also have it up somewhere on a wall for everyone to see. And if I'm long enough in your company you might see some inspiring quotes decorating the wall behind my desk. That's who I am. Can't help it. It's in my genes.
    I love to facilitate workshops. That's when I am at my best. Making sure everyone is involved and gets a say. Asking probing questions to fully understand what's being said. This book describes a whole range of tools that can be used in that context.
    The Goal
    In the area of supply chain, I am a big fan of Bottleneck and Throughput Management (Theory of Constraints). This basically says that there is no need to improve a process in a step that is not the bottleneck, as you will only create stock and waste resources. The basic principles of bottleneck management can be applied to other domains as well.
    Througput Accounting
    In the finance domain the principles of the Theory of Constraints are known as Throughput Accounting. I love this because it greatly simplifies things. No need to allocate fixed costs. Just look at the contribution of each product or service. More importantly, Throughput Accounting allows you to make the right financial decisions.
    Insanely Simple
    I will never suggest a system solution if I think it compensates for unwanted human behavior. Nor will I suggest overtly complex solutions. I have introduced Balanced Scorecards in companies based on spreadsheets, rather than fancy dashboard applications. A good and constructive discussion about the performance, resulting in clear actions and a timely follow-up are way more important to achieve actual progress.
    I love Decisive, the excellent book of the Heath brothers about how we, humble humans, tend to make the wrong decisions and about how to avoid some of these pitfalls. For instance, if you need to select a supplier for a big project, rather than following your intuition based on a couple of meetings, why not pay a couple of suppliers to produce a carefully chosen deliverable? It might cost a little bit more initially, but you will be able to make a decision based on actual experience and on the quality of that deliverable. This might save you a lot of money, time and frustration afterwards.
    The 80/20 Principle
    I like the Pareto principle. Less is more. Good is good enough. Focus is key. No need to do everything. Just do the right things, those things that will have the most impact. This means hard decisions. Because not doing something will probably mean you will have to say "no" to someone who came up with a suggestion for a new project or activity. Or it might mean cancelling existing projects or activities, which could even hurt more people. The key is to understand that this process can be iterative. For each step you only bite off as much as you can chew.
    Business Model Generation
    Having a great idea, but still wondering how you can earn money with it? This is a great book to help you develop the right business model. Lots of examples to learn from. Or, if needed, you can start from scratch using the Business Model Canvas.
    Slicing Pie
    I have experienced the friction that arises in startups when they use fixed equity splits. What seemed fair at the onset of the adventure is no longer fair as you travel along. Things change, people don't deliver what they promised, those relations someone brought along didn't translate into sales, etc. Slicing Pie works with dynamic splits during a startup's bootstrap phase (i.e. until break-even). All efforts (time, money, relationships, ...) are continuously monitored and you will be awarded equity in line with the level of risk you are exposed to.

    Contact Me!

    Please find my contact details below for an initial chat. Looking forward to helping your company grow.

    Stefaan Debevere

    +32 477 61 80 43

    Awtentik BV - Lijsterdreef 12 - 8490 Varsenare - Belgium - BE0546.660.623